These last few days have been a little bit rough around the Throop household. It’s one thing to keep up with my little one when I’m healthy, it’s a whole new ballgame when I’m not feeling well. Add the little one getting sick AND your hubby coming down with whatever is floating around and things go from hard to pretty darn tough. Ugh.
Blog posts have gone unwritten. Photos gone un-posted. Dishes not washed. And we all have spent more time in our pj’s than in day clothes. No energy. No motivation. Terrible night’s rest. The energy that I do have I use up trying to keep my girl happy and my husband from completely going crazy from sitting in the house all day… and I’m exhausted.
It’s easy to get pulled into the misery of not feeling well and falling behind, but instead of dwelling in the negative – here’s the good things that have made these last few days bearable:
- My mom gave me some amazing Ginger Honey Tea that feels soooo good on my sore throat.
- My little girl has taken her love of kitties to a whole new level and has decided that she can fit into anything. Boxes, baskets, her potty (don’t worry, still unused!)… and it’s hilarious1
- My love for documentaries has been re-kindled, and there are no shortage of them on Netflix.
- I got an email letting me know that I’m a FINALIST in the Shoot and Share Photo Contest! At least one of my images that I submitted made it to the top 3.5% of over 225,000 photos with over 30 MILLION votes cast!! SO STOKED!
- My husband bought me sour patch kids. I’m positive they wont help me get better, but they sure taste good!
- My sister is back home for spring break. We are planning a photoshoot, and I can’t wait!
- I got to Skype with my brother tonight. It’s always good to see his hairy face!
- My little one has been giving me kisses to help me feel better, and it really has been helping. 🙂
Happy Wednesday, friends!